Annual Report 2018-19
Global Learners, Lifelong ServiceThese pages report on the activities of The International School Yangon during the 2018-19 school year.

The 2018-19 school year has been a year of action as the school has come together to implement the guiding statements adopted in April 2018.
Our guiding statements have driven our strategic themes forward as we have worked in the eight thematic areas: Inclusion, Service Learning, Environmental Consciousness, Celebrating Culture and Diversity, Technology Integration, Marketing, Financial Stability, and Facilities, both new and existing.
We provided support for faculty as we sought to develop a more inclusive instructional model and explored technology as a resource for education. This included bringing in consultants to provide workshops and to work alongside our teachers. It also included book studies, meetings to explore new ideas, and visits to other schools to observe how they were implementing some of these ideas. We have continued to promote culture and diversity through celebrations such as our annual International Day, but have also begun to review this within our curriculum. As a result we will implement a Myanmar culture program in August 2019, and continue to develop ways to support our students’ mother tongue language development. We have tried to ensure the work we do reflects the wishes of our community by soliciting input through surveys, focus groups, our annual SWOT analysis, and our annual climate survey.
During the course of this year, we explored new Service Learning opportunities. Whether it was a focus on animal welfare in the Elementary School music presentation, plans to partner with United World Schools (UWS) to build a school and train teachers in rural Myanmar, or new service-oriented Week Without Walls (WWW) trips, service became a major focus of who we are at ISY and what we do. Similarly, we made great strides in reducing our carbon footprint and educating ourselves about the environment. We also expanded our use of technology to support learning. Finally, our decision to open a campus in Nay Pyi Taw reflects our commitment to our host country and our desire to support the growth and future of Myanmar.
As we have coalesced around our mission and vision, our sense of community has become stronger. Nowhere was this more evident than in the work of our Parent Association (PA). Their leadership in events such as Halloween, the Winter Bazaar, and International Day made these events outstanding. Similarly, the school play, Clue, sport tournaments, service projects, and Family Fun Night were further examples of the way our community comes together to support one another. Finally, participation by our students in Freedom Day, pep rallies, concerts, and similar activities reflect how coming together permeates everything we do. Our mission, vision, and strategic themes drive our school. It is evident, and we are proud of it!
Although this is only the first year of the implementation of our new guiding statements and goals, this report is a celebration of the progress we have made thus far and a commitment to continuing that progress in years to come.
Gregory A. Hedger, EdD
The International School Yangon is a community of compassionate global citizens.
We aim to develop lifelong learners who will be a force for positive change in the world.
Global Learners, Lifelong Service