Message from the Board of Trustees
In conclusion to this annual report, the Board of Trustees congratulates the administration, teachers and staff, parents, and students on the achievements of the 2018-19 school year. The school community has truly embraced the new mission and vision as all have worked together to create a community of compassionate global learners.
As a Board of Trustees, our mandate is to look toward the future of the school. As Dr. Hedger stated in the opening, this first year in the implementation of our new guiding statements and strategic plan has been one of strong momentum and advancement. The Board has carefully monitored actions in financial management and budgeting, audit, and facilities, and we feel confident that the school is in good health.
It has also been our goal to ensure continued best practices in governance. Thus, in addition to our other actions, the Board revised and approved an expanded Governance Procedures & Policy Guidelines Manual this year, outlining the procedures that the Board follows in executing its governance responsibilities. This newly revised manual represents the final stage in an extensive overhaul of ISY’s governing documents, which included updating the original Articles of Association and By-laws in 2015-16 and drafting a new Governance Policy Framework in 2016-17.
It is a privilege for each of us to serve as a trustee for ISY. We appreciate the commitment shown by all members of the ISY community, comprising the school administration, faculty, staff, parents, and students. We look forward to watching over the continued progress and development of the school.