Annual Report 2018-19
Strategic ThemesTechnology Integration

Technology Integration
Goal: Technology Integration will be a focus of our curriculum and program development, as well as our campus infrastructure development, with an emphasis on innovation.
Technology at ISY is used to support a culture of learning where teachers and students adeptly use digital technology and where they communicate, explore, evaluate, create, and collaborate both locally and globally. Students engage in authentic learning experiences that facilitate creative problem solving and the development of innovative products. In an ever-changing digital environment, students must also build an ethical base to their use of technology through learning to advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
To implement our strategic goal of increased Technology Integration within this context, we have focused on the following goals: ensure all classes, PK-12, have the capacity to use technology to support learning; incorporate technology to support Inclusion and innovative instructional strategies, Service Learning, and Environmental Consciousness; develop the technology infrastructure to support current ISY population as well as anticipated growth; develop a PK-12 technology curriculum ensuring our graduates are at, or above, their peers in their use of technology to support learning when they go to university; ensure faculty and staff are in place to adequately support the technology program.
We have supported these goals by first training facilitators who can then work with teachers and the Director of Teaching and Learning to create collaborative lesson and unit plans. Facilitators have used a push-in model and co-taught when necessary. The ISY technology team has developed a PK-12 scope and sequence for implementing the International Society for Technology in Education standards for all grade levels and subject areas. Students in Grades 1-5 are now using Google Drive, supported and monitored by their teachers, and ISY fulfilled the requirements for the Common Sense Education Certification for digital citizenship.
Technology Integration is also supporting ISY’s strategic goals for Inclusion, Environmental Consciousness and Service Learning. Technology Integration facilitators and the Director of Teaching and Learning are collaborating so that technology supports teachers’ differentiated learning practices. As previously mentioned, Grades 9-10 students are using technology to manage and track ISY’s carbon footprint, and all Service Learning documentation has been digitized to avoid wasteful printing.
To make sure technology functions as seamlessly as possible, we have implemented a more robust firewall and expanded our wireless coverage throughout campus. We have increased our bandwidth from 500 Mbps to 600 Mbps and we have launched a Chromebook program in Elementary School consisting of seventy-five devices on mobile carts.
Finally, the technology team has both provided and participated in significant professional development opportunities throughout the year. In addition to the professional learning network now available to teachers through Google Classroom, facilitators have provided ongoing segments of tips and training during staff meetings. Teachers from both Elementary and Secondary Schools attended a Google Summit and Bootcamp which allowed them to become Google Certified Educators. ISY plans to have all teachers certified by the end of the 2019-20 academic year. All teachers participated this year in an intensive three-day workshop lead by consultant Kim Cofino. Additionally, Technology Integration facilitators attended the 21st Century Learning Conference, an annual event in Hong Kong where teachers, staff, and school leadership come together to learn, share, and discuss current and emerging topics in education with thought leaders, technology experts, learning experts, and their peers.